
Building A Team That Thinks Like Owners

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If you are a parent, you may have experienced the difficulty of letting go enough to allow your children to grow and to fail. That’s a necessary part of raising independent, responsible adults -- but it’s scary. Children can’t learn responsibility or the consequences of shirking it without having both experiences. You ultimately entrust your child with the car keys, understanding that despite drivers ed and the DMV’s mark of approval, they will likely make mistakes. Then, you cross your fingers and hope that the mistakes will only involve a repair bill and not a hospital.

The same tension exists for CEOs and other leaders who want to grow a team of self-starting members who think like owners. Of course, the risks and rewards are different. Just as “helicopter parents” allow their fears to dictate their parenting styles, leaders can find themselves micromanaging and second-guessing every action taken by their teams. Have you ever had a boss like that: someone who wanted to read every email you sent or followed behind you to make sure you remembered to [fill in the blank]?

Behaving that way has an immediate benefit for the overbearing boss: It alleviates the anxiety of wondering and worrying about whether the task got done or whether the email was poorly constructed or, worse yet, offensive. To outsiders, it may seem like this has something to do with a poorly performing employee, but as often as not, the hyper-vigilance is a function of the boss’ fear -- not the employee’s ineptitude.

Children will ultimately demand or simply declare their independence from parents, but employees don’t often have any way to seize autonomy without risking their position or their boss’s wrath. So, if you want an organization made up of employees who take ownership, who think like significant stakeholders and who will ultimately enable your succession plan and scalability, you need to work more on you and less on them.

One way to begin to transform your own management style and to build the strength and breadth of your teams’ ownership is to change your method of direction. Often, employees receive direction that is essentially a list of tasks or outputs. But, instead, if you give direction based on concerns and desired outcomes, with less detail, the team member must fill in the blanks. In basic terms, it’s the difference between two styles. In the first style, you tell someone to write a press release, follow up and then leverage the publication through social media. In the second, you explain that you want the next Board of Directors meeting to go well and that the directors need to walk in the door knowing that the industry and public are excited about the updated product. In the first instance, you have provided a task list; in the second, you have shared a concern but not a strategy to address it. With that contextual information, an employee can stretch his own creativity and imagination to come up with a plan and execute it.

This approach creates the opportunity for you to act as a sounding board and provide critical feedback on whatever plan emerges. Of course, you still need to provide a structure, if only to deal with a genuine risk that the employee will fail. Once you approve the plan, ask for projections of milestones and for scheduled updates. That way, you trust but verify. When a milestone isn’t met or an update is not provided, you should address it and reinforce the structure by asking for revised targets.

When you share your concern and desired outcome, you segue from commanding to coaching. Sharing your concern provides context. Both you and your team member are now managing the same set of challenges and goals. And you have also instantly reinforced your own brain power with another person’s thinking.

The great potential of managing through concerns rather than tasks is that it opens a window for your team member to see the way you think -- and the way he may want to begin thinking, too. That makes it more likely that he will begin taking ownership of the enterprise’s goals and aspirations. If you multiply that single interaction by all the members of your team and all the concerns that their activities are intended to address, you will ultimately find that you have a highly innovative and strategic workforce. When employees understand what drives company results and what obstacles or opportunities play significant roles in the organization’s success, they are better able to step into greater levels of responsibility and leadership.

The approach is simple, but, like so many important changes, it's not necessarily easy. Here are some tips:

DO notice if you are delegating tasks instead of outcomes.

DON’T change everything at once. Start small by beginning with one or two individuals, and delegate a concern rather than a set of tasks.

DO make yourself available for feedback on how best to address the concern you’ve delegated.

DON’T micromanage the individual steps to accomplish the goals.

DO ask for updates on progress and targets for milestones.

DON’T let lapses in targets and milestones pass without mention, explanation and new targets.

Repeat often.

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